Basic Info
Address: Kamla Nagar | Kanpur | pincode 208005
City: Kanpur
District: Kanpur Nagar
State: Uttar Pradesh
Year of Establishment: 1995
Year of Recognition: 1995
Management: Private Un-Aided
University: N/A
Degree through University
Girls Exclusive
Distant Mode
Rating 2.71/4.00
Level: Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Nursing |
Annual Intake: 5 |
Course Duration: 1.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Anesthesiology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Anesthesiology |
Annual Intake: 28 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Neuro Surgery
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Neurology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Nuclear Medicine
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Nuclear Medicine |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in Nursing-Science
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Nursing |
Annual Intake: 47 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Chemistry
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 9 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Clinical Immunology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Haematology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Microbiology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Microbiology |
Annual Intake: 7 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Forensic Medicine
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Forensic Medicine/ Toxicology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-ENT
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: ENT |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Obst. & Gynae.
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Gynaecology |
Annual Intake: 43 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Anatomy
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Anatomy |
Annual Intake: 8 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Medical Oncology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Oncology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Psychiatry
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Psychiatry |
Annual Intake: 9 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Pediatrics
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pediatrics |
Annual Intake: 18 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Physiology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physiology |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Chemistry
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.B.B.S.-Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery-MBBS
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 227 |
Course Duration: 5.0 years - 6.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Surgical Oncology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Oncology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Medicine
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Microbiology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Microbiology |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Plastic Surgery
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Plastic Surgery |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-Surgery
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Surgery |
Annual Intake: 27 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Ophthalmology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Ophthalmology |
Annual Intake: 14 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Dermatology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Dermatology |
Annual Intake: 10 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Pediatric Surgery
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pediatrics |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Microbiology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Microbiology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Blood Transfusion
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Haematology |
Annual Intake: 6 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Neurology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Neurology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Pediatrics
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pediatrics |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Pharmacology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 8 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Urology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Urology |
Annual Intake: 3 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.S.-Master of Surgery-Orthopedics
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Orthopaedics |
Annual Intake: 7 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Radiology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Radiology |
Annual Intake: 11 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Clinical Pharmacolgoy
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 1 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Cardiology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Cardiology |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-General Medicine
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: General Medicine |
Annual Intake: 28 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science-Science
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Science |
Annual Intake: 119 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Pathology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pathology |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-Gastroenterology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Gastroenterology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Neonatology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pediatrics |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Clinical Haematology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Haematology |
Annual Intake: 0 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Radiotherapy
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Radiothrapy |
Annual Intake: 8 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science in Nursing-Science
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Nursing |
Annual Intake: 131 |
Course Duration: 4.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Sc.-Master of Science-Chemistry
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Bio-Chemistry |
Annual Intake: 15 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae-CTVS
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Cardiology |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Pharmacology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pharmacy |
Annual Intake: 4 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
D.M.-Doctor of Medicine-Endocrinology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Endocrinology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
M.D.-Doctor of Medicine-Pathology
Level: Post Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pathology |
Annual Intake: 12 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
B.A.S.L.P.-Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology-Science
Level: Under Graduate |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Pathology |
Annual Intake: 7 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy-Physiology
Level: Ph.D. |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Physiology |
Annual Intake: 2 |
Course Duration: 3.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: General |
Type of the examination: Annual |
Approving Body: N/A |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: MEDICINE |
PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma-Management
Level: PG Diploma |
Mode: Regular |
Discipline Group: Business Management |
Annual Intake: 120 |
Course Duration: 2.0 years - 0.0 months |
Type of the Course: Self Financing |
Type of the examination: Tri-Semester |
Approving Body: All India Council for Technical Education |
Approving University: N/A |
Department: N/A |
Faculty: N/A |
Campus Area: 4 Acres
Built-Up Area: 6439 Square Meters
Not Available |
1 Available |
Not Available |
1 Available |
Not Available |
Conference Hall
1 Available |
Health Center
Not Available |
Fitness Center
1 Available |
Indoor Stadium
Not Available |
Common Room
1 Available |
Computer Center
1 Available |
1 Available |
Guest House
1 Available |
Separate rooms for Girls
1 Available |
Solar Power Generation
Not Available |
National Knowledge Network Connectivity
Not Available |
NME-ICT Connectivity
Not Available |
14412 |
27 |
Campus Friendly
- |
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
- |
Vigilance cell
- |
Opportunity cell
Available |
Hostels and Quarters
Staff Quarters
Student Hostels
1 Hostel(s)
Staff Quarters
Teaching Staff: 3 | Non Teaching Staff: 2 | Total Staff: 5
List of Hostels
Hostel : GHS-IMR Hostel
Intake Capacity: 20 |
Type: Boys Hostel |
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